Nice to meet you, my name is Itzik Litani
I am a graduate of the History school of University of Tel Aviv, tourism studies in Haifa University, Tadmor school of culinary and a qualified tour guide on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism of Israel. I use all my wide knowledge for creating a different experience: content tours, whose goal is meeting cultures in light of history and cuisine of different populations in Israel.
Developing new experience for the travelers:
The decision of integrating the two fields comes to create an innovative experience which does not exist nowadays in the local market. Until today, you could have chosen between a culinary tour to a historic tour, and each one of them focuses on different aspects – Now your dilemmas are over: I give you tours that integrate historic background with local tastes, and connect the historic aspect to the culinary one, out of belief that there is a tight connection between the two, and they nurture each other.
My tours divide to two main categories:
Tours in Israel:
Nowadays, the tours focus on the city of Nazareth, its surroundings and the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings. These cities have a special and rich history and nonetheless, a rich cuisine as well. The experience of first introduction with the local culture, as expressed in the history and culinary of the area, is unforgettable!
Only an hour and a half drive from the center, we will get the chance to be part of the local history and culinary, each area by its character and each population by its uniqueness. This is an unforgettable experience of connecting a story to taste.
Besides the regular tours, you are welcome to reschedule tours on your demand.
Tours outside of Israel:
I invite you to contact me and receive details about tours that can take place outside of Israel, mainly in Europe.
The next international tour takes place in Puglia region, southern Italy, a less familiar area for tourists. The travelers will get to know the culture of Puglia through the fascinating stories, the people and of course – the local cuisine. Together, we will reach places, where the average tourist does not arrive. Therefore, you are guaranteed with a unique and special experience